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Top Reasons to Become a Healthcare Traveler

Healthcare traveler enjoying a sunset, illustrating the blog post 'Top Reasons to Become a Healthcare Traveler.

If you have been looking for new experiences, a career change, or want to explore your options before settling down, consider becoming a healthcare traveler! Traveling reaps numerous opportunities and benefits such as discovering new places, earning a higher income, experiencing diverse work environments, expanding your skillset, and meeting new people. Many have found healthcare traveling to be a rewarding and fulfilling experience. Discover the top reasons you should start traveling and embark on a new adventure with Anders Group.

Check Off Your Travel Bucket List

Have you always dreamed of visiting Alaska, Hawaii, Colorado, or Florida? Becoming a healthcare traveler is the perfect way to fulfill your travel bucket list. When working a permanent job, your professional responsibilities often limit your ability to take vacations and explore new places. As a healthcare traveler, you are given the opportunity to visit and experience your desired locations while getting paid to work. What's even better is the flexibility of your schedule that allows you to enjoy a vacation while working!

Travel Therapists - Destination 1Travel Therapists - Destination 2Travel Therapists - Destination 3





Receive Top Pay and First-Day Benefits

Healthcare travel contracts are designed to fill urgent staffing needs in medical facilities, which often results in high competitive pay rates. Your hourly rate is dependent on your specialty, contract location, and facility needs. Regardless, you will be paid significantly more than your permanent peers. Travelers may also receive weekly tax-free stipends to cover lodging and meal expenses. At Anders Group, you'll receive your hourly rate, stipends, as well as travel reimbursements, license reimbursements, medical, dental, and life insurance, and plenty more starting on your very first day. Getting paid to travel and discover new destinations - it doesn't get any better than that.

Gain More Overall Experience

Traveling offers the chance to gain professional, life, and travel experience simultaneously. As a travel healthcare professional, you'll have the opportunity to work in various settings and environments that will challenge your skills. Your ability to adapt will be tested as you work in a new city, facility, department, with new peers all while learning new systems. Working as a traveler opens doors for you to see a variety of techniques and possibly help you find your optimal workflow. When travelers transition to permanent positions, they're generally more confident in their decisions, and have more options available to them, because of the vast amount of experience they've gained. These well-rounded individuals are highly sought after by employers. Travel assignments will strengthen your skills and give you the confidence to recognize where the best permanent home is for you.

Find New Friends and Network

Contracting can also be an excellent networking tool. As you travel from assignment to assignment, you'll meet numerous healthcare professionals who can help guide your professional journey. With each assignment, you'll gain new connections. Networking is crucial, as some of these connections could open you up to new professional opportunities, or they could become lifelong friends and mentors. Use traveling as an opportunity to set out on a journey and gain friends across all 50 states!

Travel Nurse making friendsAnders Traveler












Healthcare travel provides flexibility and an abundance of opportunities, benefits, and learning moments. Whether you're looking for a fresh start, change, or new professional and life experience, now's the perfect time to start your adventure with Anders Group. We have available jobs in every allied health, nursing, and therapy specialties across all 50 states and U.S. territories. Search for our available jobs on our Job Board at and apply today to connect with a team member. 

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